Saturday, December 1, 2018

Political Beliefs about Israel

I support the right of Israel to exist, but Chuck Schumer is co-sponsoring an ugly bill that that deserves attention. I doubt if this bill is constitutional, nevertheless. . . .

There's been a clamor to replace Nancy Pelosi (after her enormous victory in the last election), but Schumer is the leader who needs immediate replacing. What follows is quoted from the Huffington Post.

According to the ACLU, the Cardin legislation would “bar U.S. persons from supporting boycotts against Israel, including its settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories (emphasis mine) conducted by international governmental organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union. It would also... include penalties for simply requesting information about such boycotts. Violations would be subject to a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison....This bill would impose civil and criminal punishment on individuals solely because of their political beliefs about Israel and its policies.”

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