Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Few Dollars More

President Spanky is planning changes that will allow cars to emit additional pollution, increasing the speed at which global warming is altering the world's climates. What does he care? His mansions are air-conditioned, and he'll be dead soon. 

The automakers have argued against these changes, which tells us one thing about corporations. They can behave responsibly,  thinking about long term interests. But Big Oil lurks behind the move by Spanky, which also tells us something about corporations. 

Our balmy Supreme Court has declared that corporations are people. But what kind of people? I think it's fair to say that Big Oil is a sociopath, addicted to greed, so dedicated to money grubbing that they'd kill a billion people to make a few dollars more. We, as has been done in many countries, should nationalize Big Oil. Oil is a natural resource that belongs to our nation, particularly if it is being mismanaged. We can use the profits to rebuild our roads and bridges. 

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