Friday, December 28, 2018

Jennifer Rubin

I see a lot of Jennifer Rubin on MSNBC, where she is one of the anti-Trump conservatives I put up with temporarily  I kind of like her, but I figure Rubin will soon return to attacking the New Deal etc. 

This morning I read one of her columns, and in it she claims that our three greatest human losses in the last year were George H. W. Bush, Barbara Bush and John McCain. Forget about Stephen Hawkings and Aretha Franklin.

In short, the nation should be mourning a colorless, Wall Street, CIA President no one remembers, his frighteningly unpleasant wife and John McCain, a war lover who had an independent streak and moments of honor and decency. The Bushes will be remembered, if at all, for their boys, an awesomely repellent governor of Florida and an uninvolved, dried-out-addict President who killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis by mistake. The couple who raised these creeps should have been mortified.

My point is that Jennifer Rubin's thinking must be an inch deep.

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