Thursday, March 12, 2020

Toxic Pique

According to Bret Stephens, who keyboards for the NY Times, Biden might lose to tRump for a number of reasons, the first being "Sanders supporters who, out of  pique, will sit out the election."

Biden said a few days ago that he will veto single payer health care if congress passes it. Biden supports the fossil fuel industry, which is so damaging the climate that drought and inferior leadership might unravel civilization. But Stephens argued that pique is the central problem.

Stephens does have a strategy to persuade the Sanders voters to support Biden. The basic trick is to insult the Left. You win over pique-filled people by calling attention to how petty their motives are, the stupid bastards.

That is just elementary centrist psychology.

What people fixated on Sanders don't understand is that his movement is not about him. It's not a cult about an aged white man, a blunt Jew from Vermont and Brooklyn. The movement is about the issues Sanders has raised, which have shifted the Democratic Party to the left. (If you want votes from the movement, consider the issues the movement has raised.)

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