Monday, March 2, 2020


Recently I accidentally saw Grifter on my TV set. He was attempting to address the coronavirus pandemic. 

Pres. Flabbiman Grifter had been goose-stepping across a lawn toward a helicopter, and, as is his practice,  he paused in the short grass and let out a string of unrelated words for the network cameras. 

I can't reproduce the words. It's hard to recall a string of meaningless syllables. But the gravity of the situation and the inability of the leader of the Free World to respond to a crisis except with barking madness (which he clearly considered top leadership) suddenly made me laugh out loud. I couldn't help it.  I suppose this was a special kind of laughter, but it was genuine.  Grifter was so ludicrously inappropriate--the key to the best comedy-- that it touched off something inside me. Spontaneous mirth bubbled out. 

I was baffled and ashamed.

I guess the moral is what fools we are. Pres. Grifter leads the Free World! Somehow this moronic, bloviating pervert has come to embody our mass folly as a species. 

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