Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bernie Sanders

On Saturday I realized the Democratic Party was likely to nominate Joe Biden for President. I wondered if that meant that the attacks on Bernie Sanders would begin to ease. The Dems can't win without support from most of his voters.

The arguments against Sanders have differed. Some have argued that he could not defeat tRump (we will never know). My son-in-law said the Dems are not afraid Sanders will lose the Presidency; they're afraid he might win. The fossil fuel industry, the pharmaceuticals, MSNBC, etc., consider him no-good, I suppose. The usual political money men.  That's American politics. 

What troubles me are the arguments I hear from real folks I know who tell me they dislike Sanders because he doesn't smile enough or he sometimes shouts or he has a Brooklyn accent or he waves his arms or he gets angry or he's short and his white hair flies about.  It's almost as if a stereotype lurks nearby in the shadows of memory. I can't place the word picture, but it seems familiar, perhaps something from high school days in 1950 when the father of a friend of mine told me that "the Jews ruined Beverly Hills." 

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