Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Chaucer Boys

On Sunday the Chaucer Boys, a bicycle club, made its yearly ride from Upper Lake to Lucerne, a twenty-mile round trip. To join this club, you once had to be a descendent of Chaucer. That's how the club started. Today the requirement is that you have be a descendent of someone. 

As usual we paused for a minute at the site of the Bloody Island Massacre. (You can look it up on the 'net.)

In 1850 a band of American cavalry and avid local volunteers trapped some Pomos on a small island and murdered sixty of them, counting women and children. But it's the Pomos who still live here. Nearby we bought bottled drinks at a gas station store run by Pomos. The clerks seemed to me to be reserved but less reserved than Navajos. 

Farther south we came upon an osprey nest with a big youngster in it. He was calling for his mother. When she appeared in the sky, he took off and joined her. My guess is that the two set out to hunt for fish. Fish are, as you know, a great treat for the descendents of dinosaurs, and fish were here before the Pomos.

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