Saturday, June 1, 2019

Crafty Dodging

Right now America is looking for a sane, strong, decisive leader and a strong, decisive party. Unfortunately the Democrats are currently led by Nancy Pelosi. She was an admirable figure in her era, which she devoted to crafty dodging of the blows of the Reagan Republicans, a dominant majority at the time. This is not that time. 

Like the senile Reagan, tRump is mentally ill--but in more dangerous way. Reagan surrounded himself with competent capitalists. tRump has surrounded himself with con-men, racists, women haters, crooks, nutters and fanatics who might get our children killed before the Earth bakes dry

We need an opposing leader who leads instead of following the polls. We need cleansing fire. Voters tend to scorn the timid and respond to strength (as the Democratic voters keep yelling at Nancy Pelosi).

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