Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bringing Up Baby

I don't watch the Oscars because I prefer not to be mummified, but my wife talked me into it tonight. Jimmy Kimmel actually made the event tolerable. Naturally a load of undeserved awards were given out, including those for the usual Boston Irish Bummer. As Drew Hagary pointed out, "They’re really gonna give a fucking Oscar to Ben Affleck’s brother. Why not hand them out to Mark Wahlberg’s posse while they’re at it?" 

And then a functionary handed Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty the wrong envelope. Bonnie and Clyde produced an amazing twist ending worthy of a screwball comedy in 1938. The two surprised old folks announced the wrong movie as best picture of the year. Oscars were handed out and then frantically returned and rehanded out to shorter, darker people. Where are Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn when you need them?

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