Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Dead In Two Weeks

Fairly often on TV you see some balanced news panel show. For each guest who can dress herself there will be another who has his pants on backwards. That’s American news.

Anyway, one guest will say something like “Donald Trump is a compulsive liar” or “Minority President Trump is a malignant narcissist.” Inevitably someone else will say, “When did you become a psychologist?”or “How can you diagnose a man you never met?”

I can answer that last question. As I hike though downtown Santa Rosa or ride on the bike path, I diagnose every oddball who looks slightly dangerous. I don’t need a certificate to do this, and I’m not looking to interview some guy wearing three hats and a roll in the mud. I rely on common sense. And I tell you that Trump is nuts. He has adopted the best strategy to use if you’re nuts: be born extremely rich. If Trump weren’t rich, he’d be dead in two weeks.

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