Friday, February 3, 2017

Malignant Narcissism

So far the NBA has not banned Moslem basketball players, some of whom come from African or Moslem nations. Players had better stay in the States, though, and not go home for a visit. They might not get back in. The same is true for actors who work here but hail from Moslem countries. They should forget the loved ones they left  behind in the old country. 

Minority President Trump's actions are unpredictable. He flails out racist policies like an infant flailing its arms and legs. He might ban anyone next, although I suspect you will be safe if this con man owns a business in your nation. (Always stay at Trump hotels.)

Among those speaking out against our malignant narcissist are many entertainment performers and basketball players and coaches.   

I wonder about the dopes who went for Trump. Apparently many voted to for him because (1) he is nominally a Republican and (2) the voters felt ignored. They felt ignored? That seems to me inadequate--you've been ignored so you put a malignant narcissist in charge of the nukes? 

Grow up. 

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