Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Abolish the PBS NewsHour

I gave up watching the PBS NewsHour years ago when it was captured by Republicans. I think they scared the maximum protection Depends off the producers by threatening to cancel all remaining federal support. The NewsHour was already running corporate ads (sponsors they dared not offend). Some academic studied the NewsHour and discovered that Republican guests  outnumbered Democratic guests by 2 to 1. 

Tonight my wife was driving home from the supermarcado, and she put on the radio version of the show. The topic was the new Looney-Fascist president of Brazil, and PBS covered it, as usual, by interviewing two people, one pro and one con. That is how this bunch would cover Ted Bundy, one for serial killing and one against. But I didn't hear this blather, because I stopped listening a long time back. 

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