Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Size of President Lardbottom

Trump's constant lying seems to be contagious. Yesterday two senators went on TV and obviously lied about the shithole incident, a department head with a Scandinavian name pretended not to know that Norwegians are White and a medical doctor’s report on Trump’s health smelled like a man-sized pile of cat poop.

First, the doctor told us that Trump is 75 inches tall, but when Trump stands next to someone 75 inches tall on television, Trump is several inches shorter. I figure he was 74 inches tall in his youth, and then his enormous bum dragged him down an inch in old age. 

Second, and even more obvious, the doctor listed Trump’s weight as (I think) 238 pounds, just one pound short of the obese classification for someone two inches taller than Trump actually is. That means Trump and I weigh the same, give or take a pound or two. I am three inches shorter than Trump and half as wide. That blob must weigh 300 pounds with his high black socks on. Even Trump's government doctor—a naval officer, I think—is lying for the balmy creep, which is disgusting. 

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