Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Brown Belt

To date the analysis of the 2020 election by the talking TV heads on CNN  and MSNBC has been pathetic. Here is some real news, much of it from Juan Gonzales. 

President Spanky's support among American voters grew quite a bit after 2016. (The poll takers somehow overlooked this in their calculations.)

Spanky just won the support of a majority of white American women. (My guess is that the law and order scare worked its usual magic. A majority of white women accidentally voted against the right to choose and in favor of the main inciter of violence.)  The gender gap exists only among people of color. Wow.

From 2008 to 2020 the number of white voters decreased from 109 million to 104 million. (The Republican Party is now whiter than a snowbank.)

From 2008 to 2020  the number of Latino voters increased from 10 million to 23 million. (We now have a brown belt in the Southwest and California.) There were also increases among Asian voters, Amerindian voters, etc. 

But mainstream TV isn't talking about any of this.

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