Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unfit to Serve

There's an unwritten rule that to serve as President of the United States you must be mentally competent and emotionally sound. Or maybe not, in which case we have a long-range problem.

Richard Nixon was paranoid. Reagan was senile. George W. Bush was a dope who invaded the wrong country. Trump is a malevolent narcissist  Four Republican Presidents in my lifetime have been unfit to serve, which may faithfully reflect the people who vote Republican.

The Democrats are, at last, going to impeach Trump, keeping it simple. Nancy Pelosi will charge him with a few decisions that were illegal or inappropriate. That will miss the point. Trump should be charged with general incompetence, an inability to function as President because of mental and emotional disorders. 

Trump is worse than a crook. He would be grossly inadequate as the head chicken in a chicken coop. That's the truth. We need a new rule.

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