Thursday, September 5, 2019

Schrodinger's Impeachment Committee

"Schrödinger’s Impeachment Committee," someone said on the TV. 

Early in the development of Quantum physics, Irwin Schrodinger, a Nobel prize winning physicist, came up with a thought experiment to demonstrate that Quantum superposition would not work with large objects like cats. Tiny particles can be several things at once, but this does not apply to mammals. 

Schrodinger’s thought experiment involved closing a cat in a black box with some harmful items. If the rules for particles applied, the cat would soon be dead and also alive at same time, which is absurd and obviously not true. (Yet we still come across people who think large objects work like particles.)

Schrodinger’s Impeachment Committee is chaired by Rep. Nadler who claims it is  an impeachment committee, while Speaker Pelosi claims that it is not. It is and is not at the same time. But as Schrodinger might point out, the committee consists of many large items. They do not follow the laws of particle physics.They either form an impeachment committee or they do not. 

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