Thursday, September 26, 2019

Eating the Barr

"Sometimes you eat the Barr, " Sam Elliott drawled in THE BIG LEBOWSKY,  "and sometimes the Barr eats you." He was quoting from America's book of frontier wisdom. Before the Europeans arrived in the New World with firearms and horses, bears and humans were evenly competing to be the dominant species. Imagine a man on foot with a bow and arrow facing a grizzly.

Arctic horribilis sometimes stood about 8 feet tall and weighed more than 1,000 pounds. 

Sam Elliott is famous for many reasons, including his acting, his long marriage to Katherine Ross, his mustache and his very deep voice.

I'm really talking about Bill Barr, of course, an officer horribilis of the court system and the President's complicit enforcer, famous for having lied on an industrial scale to cover up for several Republican eras.  

Many people are saying that Barr should be disbarred and then eaten by geese. 

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