Friday, November 23, 2018

The Sameness of MSNBC

Many years ago I was elected to serve on a faculty committee that weighed in on personnel disputes. I was sent to examine and report on a case where a tenure candidate, Jane Doe, had gotten a vote of only 65% from her colleagues. I scheduled interviews with Jane Doe and her colleagues. In the end the main accusation against Doe was that she dressed herself exactly like a senior professor, who bitterly resented being copied.

I wrote the complaint up, perhaps expressing reservations about the nature of the charge against Jane Doe, who seemed like a regular professor to me, and she got tenure. 

What brought this back to mind was watching MSNBC this morning. This station has at least three nearly indistinguishable but intelligent blonde hosts with the same hair, same coloring, same age, same big lips, etc., and this morning two of them were on at the same time, interviewing one another while wearing the same clothing.  Wow. 

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