Wednesday, November 14, 2018

One Shade of Gray.

We've been told that a spokesman for America's First Lady apparently fired a Presidential security advisor named Mira Ricardel, writing she "no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House." 

The White House mentioned  above is currently sheltering a President who enjoys a good spanking or one shade of gray.

This is the first time an immigrant wife of a President has fired one of his advisers. I guess someone had to do it. The President couldn't act. He fell into a gigantic pout after his team lost the midterm election and Mueller outstared him. 

I mean no disrespect, but the firing does raise a philosophical  question: What is honor to a gold digger? Does she have any?

I say she does. The difference (allegedly) between an honorable gold digger and a dishonorable one is that an honest gold digger, once she is bought, stays bought. Trump may wander about in an addled way from one porn star to the next, but he can count on Melania. 

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