Monday, August 8, 2016

Something, Not Nothing

Either Hillary Clinton or Dumb Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. It better be Hillary. 

At this point I don't want to add to the anti-Clinton nuttiness on the 'net, but I can't stop making one observation. During the whole Clinton v. Sanders debate, I kept saying that Clinton was not a progressive. Yes, she was a woman but not a progressive. I was constantly confronted by old folks (not older than I am) who insisted Hillary was a progressive. They were hurt and furious with me for saying Hillary was not a progressive  Once Hillary won the nomination these same people began to say that now Hillary is a progressive because she adopted much of Bernie's platform. 

In other words, they claimed that Hillary changed. If she's a progressive today because she's adopted Bernie's platform, then she wasn't a progressive back when she was running to Bernie's right.  And one day soon she will no longer be a progressive, folks, but also she will never be Dumb Donald Trump. That's something, not nothing. 

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