Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Democratic End Game

Once Sen. Obama was nominated, he met with Hillary Clinton.  They needed one another. Obama could not win the Presidency without support from the Clintons and the Democratic corporate establishment. Hillary needed to stay active and important for eight years so she could run for President. The two of them worked things out.

Once Hillary is nominated she (or her people) will need to meet with Bernie Sanders, who represents many Democrats and independent voters. He will endorse her, but persuading some of  his followers to back Clinton will be difficult. They will first have to be persuaded that the Democratic party wants them and will listen to their concerns. At the moment, many don't believe that, and if Bernie were to end his campaign at this moment, many of his followers would abandon the party and Hillary. I think she understands that, although some of her followers apparently do not. They want to run Bernie's 40% of the Democrats out of the party. Reuniting the party and attracting independents is going to be a long and sensitive process. Hurrying it will be a disaster.

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