Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Odds on Oswald

Back when I first started teaching, I advised a student intent on using his undergraduate education on an investigation of the JFK assassination. In the end he failed to find a convincing conclusion. I was reminded of him today while listening to the radio. One caller asked what were the odds that Oswald would have the perfect job from which to assassinate the President? The answer, not provided by the host, is that the odds were 100%, because Oswald actually did have the job. No one doubts that. What we see in the endless different conspiracy theories is a disbelief that three armed pipsqueaks could wrench JFK, RFK and MLK out of our lives and drastically alter the course of American history. I mean, in the end we had Acting President Reagan. We'd like to believe that something bigger was going on.  But life is subject to all sorts of meaningless changes. (Check this out with Charles Darwin.)

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