Friday, February 24, 2012


Campaign Strategies

Some of our local Democrats have worked out a strategy to win the open congressional seat. It goes something like this. The seat has been held by a woman, so it should always be held by a woman. As certain friends believed 40 years ago, all women should endorse the woman candidate and support her. Male Democrats can fuck off.

Progressives take a somewhat different view, which is that the people, united, can never be defeated.

Reactionary Republicans have roughed out a campaign plan they hope will win them the Presidency. Using an old Karl Rove strategy, but much mangled, they are identifying specific identity groups and working to win their support. For example, they are counting on the anti-contraception voters to push them over the top, along with the Birthers, the Truthers, the gold bugs, and the Anti-Saloon League. We have interesting months ahead.

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