Friday, June 24, 2022

The Militia

One of the problems that come with installing crackpots on the Supreme Court is that some may be poor readers.  Justice Thomas, for one, has probably attempted  to read the Second Amendment and failed. 

Thomas is an originalist, which means he tries (inadequately) to find the original meanings of the Bill of Rights. He now claims that the Second Amendment tells us that individuals have the right to carry concealed handguns into grocery stores for self-protection, although self-protection is not mentioned in the Amendment. It's not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. Thomas made up this fiction.

According to Thomas and Kavanaugh, the fellow who was arrested in front of Justice Kavanaugh's home had every right to stand on the sidewalk there armed with a concealed .44 (needing no permit). 

As always I'd like to help out Kavanaugh and Thomas, so I'll remind them that the original point of the Second Amendment was to make it easy for southern states to form well-regulated militias and put down slave revolts. That makes the ruling by Thomas and Kavanaugh right, of course, if the National Guard is made up of gents marching proudly with concealed handguns.

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