Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Exactly Who Attacked on January 6?

Urged on by the Republican Party, domestic terrorists attacked the House and Senate on January 6. Many were arrested and are beginning to stand trial. Social scientists started asking who these stupid bastards were. 

I was surprised by the outcomes of the studies that have been conducted.

1. Were the rioters white and male?  Yes. No surprise there.

2. Were many insurrectionists from rural areas? No. The rioters came from big cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. 

3. Did they belong to militias? Maybe 10% were militia members.

4. Were they poor? No. Many were professionals or business owners. Only 7% were unemployed.

5. Did they come from red states?  For the most part they came from blue states. 

6. Were they impetuous young men? Most were early middle-aged, in their late thirties or forties. 

7. What motivated these fools? The rioters turned out to be white males living in liberal cities where women and people of color had begun to win the rights and respect formerly available only to white men. In short, the mob was motivated by the Great Replacement Theory. 

There are those who believe that every advancement by women or people of color is subtracted from the white male position of superiority. In  a sense that is true. In order to create a superior caste, you first have to invent an inferior caste. (See our original Constitution.) If later on the inferior castes get elevated, well . . . . 

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