Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Always present in politics is the candidate who seeks ways to lose. You often don't remember their names, because they lost. But what happens when a loser accidentally wins?

This second time around tRump is taking no chances. He put Hispanic children in cages. Turning toward black people, he endorsed white supremacy and Confederate symbols. Asians got to hear him call the coronavirus "kung flu." His contempt for women  is legendary. For evangelicals he held an unopened Bible in he air like a shot-put. For young people he offered more college debt and an attempt to kick out the dreamers. For the sick he attempted to repeal Obamacare. When he learned that old people are most apt to die from coronavirus, he ordered federal testing stations closed. When told that Putin had put a bounty on American noncoms, he shrugged it off. 

tRump wants to lose; yet he also wants to win; he hates to lose; he wants to lose; he wants to win, and he does want to lose. His one-horsepower engine has seized up.  

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