Friday, June 26, 2020

Will tRump Withdraw?

For some time I've been saying that tRump is committing political suicide. I also think there is a chance tRump will withdraw from the race rather than take a savage beating. (You have probably heard that tRump is 9 points behind in Florida.)

If tRump withdraws, will the Repubs nominate Romney? My guess is that the current party isn't intelligent enough to save itself. But holders of elective offices might want to save their jobs. 

The problem is immediate. tRump is a raving loony, and his malicious incompetence during a pandemic is killing us. He's doubling down on that: killing us. To save lives, he has to go now. The House should take one day to impeach him again. (Andrew Johnson was impeached three times.) Then it will be up to the Republican senators: life or death. 

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