Monday, June 1, 2020

National Leadership

I see news talkers on my TV asking why so many demonstrations have turned violent. Why are they still puzzled?

The demonstrators are violent because people have lost faith in government. They don't trust government to do the right thing. Is that plain enough?

Nixon broke the law and got pardoned. LBJ lied us into a war with Vietnam. Reagan told people that government was the problem, not the solution. Clinton lied about oral sex. Bush launched a war against the wrong country and blew up the Middle East. We now have a troll-President with no credibility or standing as a human being. 

Americans are unemployed, in a pandemic without universal medical care, crushed by student debt, and the rich get richer. The police are murdering citizens of color in front of cameras. 

I say it's time to free Joe Biden. He's been in quarantine for months. The nation longs for the voices of his speech writers.  

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