Sunday, January 26, 2020

Who Is Ahead

It's obvious (for now) that the Democratic centrists, including Obama and the Times, are giving up on Biden. The centrists have been endorsing Warren, although she is somewhat to their left. Mainly their goal is to block Bernie Sanders. They see Warren as their best chance. 

I'm voting for Sanders because he will attempt to bring back the New Deal social democracy. But I will vote for Warren if she wins the nomination.

Can Warren unite the party? In the event she is nominated, the Clintons, Obamas and Sanders will support her, but some of Sander's voters  are angry with Warren. And some
Warren voters are angry with Sanders.

Warren's attempt to portray Sanders as anti-women didn't convince many, given Sanders' very long history on women's issues, but it did stir things up. The Democrats cannot afford factionalism. To win they must unite people of color, Sanders voters, Warren voters, Hillary supporters, etc. Keep things cool.

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