Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ibram Kendi

Ibram Kendi is a history professor at American University whose books on racism have brought some fresh ideas to how we behave. 

Like everyone reading this, I try not to be racist, but at times I've failed. Kendi points out that this experience is probably inevitable. He's had it himself.

Many racist positions are subtle (until someone analyzes them) and socially widespread. For example, when you say that black men can jump and white men can't, you are repeating a claim that goes back to the justifications of slavery. The ancient claim was that black men were not  smart or creative, but in compensation God made them magnificent animals. 

When I realize that I have failed (I've said or done something racist), I don't want to admit it. To be called a racist is an insult even to committed racists like Donald tRump.

Kendi would probably tell me to try again to understand the breadth of racism, including my own racism, and then to do something antiracist. Take an action.  I can do that.  

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