Thursday, December 19, 2019

Feeling Sad about Impeachment

I chaired three Democratic clubs in my life, but today I am an independent voter. One reason is that the elected leaders of the party lie a lot. Yesterday they told us how sad they were that President Flabbimann had to be impeached. One by one they appeared on TV with long horse faces. Nancy Pelosi gravely claimed to be saddest of all. 

This weepy faux-Christian sorrow is obviously unreal. Impeaching a son-of-a-bitch who stripped children from their parents at the border and then caged the children and let them suffer from neglect is a rare moment for joy. I felt like dancing in the street.

If Pelosi and the others aren't happy, then they are as sick as Flabbimann. Fortunately for all of us, they actually are delighted. Elected Democrats have a new spring in their steps. They aren't idiots. But they are lying, and we can't trust liars.

When they tell us how sad impeachment has made them, they are faking, which is a fairly standard strategy and the reason politicians are generally thought of with contempt by anyone who can admit what she is feeling. 

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