Tuesday, October 15, 2019


There were European philosophers who argued that we create the world with our minds. That's paranoia, but maybe all they meant was that we perceive the world from a human point of view. Of course,  if they said it that way, without exaggeration, who would buy their books?

The Nazis believed that if you told a big lie often enough, people would believe it.  The lie would become real. Later we had post-structuralists who argued that there are no facts and no genuine truths. The Bush folks mocked Democrats for their belief in a "fact-based world." And so on. 

Right now we have the Trumpfolk telling us that the Democrats do not have a genuine impeachment committee working in the House. They seem to believe that if every Republican says this three times, the impeachment process will vanish.    

The Republicans are in for a surprise when Trump gets impeached.

As Peter Viereck, a conservative thinker of the last century, wrote, "Reality is that which, when you don't believe in it, doesn't go away."

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