Wednesday, July 17, 2019


My wife tells people that her father's parents were Russian Jews;  I met them. They said they came from "Tehteeve" in Russia. There was a large immigration around 1905, when 400,000 Russian Jews journeyed to America. Many "Tehteevers" settled in Cleveland. where Golda Meir came to my wife's mother's wedding, and the "Tehteevers" had a large and active club. 

It took me years to track down "Tehteeve." For one thing, it's not in Russia. I didn't have the correct spelling. Tetiev or Tetiyev is a small city south of Kiev in Ukraine. (In 1905 Ukraine was controlled by Russia.)  It turned out that Tetiev is a famous site. In 1920 an anti-Soviet band conducted a pogrom in Tetiev; about 4,000 Jews were murdered and the district set on fire.

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