Monday, July 22, 2019

A Vote On White Male Supremacy

In some ways the election of 2016 was about race and gender, but Imperial Wizard Trump flooded that process with nonsense about how he would provide cheap, universal health care, fund a new and better infrastructure, bring back the jobs now done by robots, etc. 

Trump's cruelty, racism and abuse of women for the last 50 years are documented. They are fundamental to his appeal. He will insist on running on them again. 

Nonsense will mislead fewer voters in 2020. I expect an up and down vote on white male supremacy. White males make up (I guess) about 30% of the voters, and some of them do not want to be supreme. The Imperial Wizard is in trouble. 

How did Trump get this far? My assumption is that his father's money bought him his early positions on the ladder of life. He probably started out as a "kickard" or lecturer on the supremacy of  whiteskins.  The next step may have been to Exalted Cyclops,  presiding over a klavern. I'm betting it didn't take Trump long to make King Kleagle (manager of a state) and then Grand Goblin and now President of the United States (Imperial Wizard). 

I remember once I smoked a joint and told the novelist John Barth about my suspicion that dregs were floating to the top. He smiled and corrected my diction.

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