Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Good Riddance

Paul Ryan's decision not to seek re-election isn't surprising. He was about to get swept from office by a strong candidate and a Democratic wave, and Ryan dislikes being Speaker and detests Trump. 

Ryan is not the sort of Republican who caters to angry, stupid, white men. He's always served Wall Street. He believes in money. Now it's Wall Street's turn  to make him rich.

Ryan's main legacy will the a gigantic tax gift he gave the super-rich. He managed to shift money away from the poor and middle class and hand billions out to the grabbing hands of the 1%.  

The man has been devoted to Ayn Rand, an inch-deep, heartless nutter. I suppose that's better than having no belief system at all (President Spanky). Ryan's delusions are the kind we are used to among Republicans and sometimes share. He's bone ignorant, kind of dumb, but recognizably a standard human type. Now, at last, he's departing. Good riddance.

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