Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trump and Ball Games

Evolution made us as a species that forms teams. That isn’t always the rational thing for an individual to do, and it has drawbacks (see the team that backed Donald Trump), but it is how we became a dominant mammal. Our brains, developed by natural selection, lead us to form families and other cooperative groups.

When Trump attacked two of our major sports leagues, calling players’ mothers “bitches,” asking owners to fire players, he ran into two rock piles. The first was the pile heaped up by the team players, who instantly united against Trump and supported their own. He should have anticipated that, although Trump never anticipates, having no eye for consequences. 

The second pile was a different matter. Trump ran head on into the tower of stones we call capitalism. Of course the owners backed the teams they owned. The teams make hundreds of millions of dollars each year for the owners. Trump asked about 60 immensely rich capitalists to commit financial idiocy by firing their teams. My grasp of financial concerns is rudimentary, but even I understand that Trump doesn’t know how a capitalist system works, which is why American banks won’t loan him money—but he does know how to imply the N-word and stir a racist base.  

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