Friday, April 28, 2017

The Consistent Evangelicals

Many of us wondered why 80% of the evangelicals voted for Donald Trump, a mentally impaired vulgarian with no religious sense, married three times, an unceasing liar, an assaulter of women, etc. Holly Worthen has provided the answer in The Atlantic. From 1776 on, there has been an alliance between evangelical types and the 1%.

If you look back at American political history, what you see is that evangelicals support the rich authoritarian candidate. This isn't something new. Consider who heads evangelical churches, some of which were founded by authoritarians seeking access to sex. In their eyes, God intends that each family, church and nation be headed by a benign dictator who makes his own rules. To them that is the natural order. Jesus, morality, science and justice be damned. To evangelicals the imaginary free market is sacred.

That old American belief in a natural order is fading, and the evangelicals grow afraid.

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