Monday, October 10, 2016

Enough Debates

According to the Press Corporate Democrat, “both Sonoma County Democrats and Republicans said GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump improved his debate performance Sunday 
night. . . ." In fact, Trump blundered onto the stage as balmy as a beer-soaked sociopath. He announced a plan to jail his opponent, dismissed his sex crimes as “locker room talk” and sniffed and snorted throughout like a coke head recently out of supplies. Clinton carefully did not knock the babbling windbag out—what if the Republicans replaced him with someone a little less looney? She wants to keep blubberguts up on his painful feet so she can punish him more. There is no stooge on earth better to run against. Trump’s already cost the Republicans control of the Senate. Can the House be far behind? (This morning Paul Ryan turned the Republican House members loose to run with or without Trump, to do anything they needed to save themselves.)

But someone should call off the third debate, the third debasing. Trump is too despicable for public consumption. Let’s stop now and just vote.

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