Thursday, June 2, 2016

Beneath Contempt

I don’t know what to say about the people who actually believe in Donald Jelly Belly Trump. If they do, they do, as is their right. 

But what about the Republicans who understand that Jelly Belly is a pathological liar? He’s someone who insists on lying to you when he knows that you have figured out that he is lying.  Pathological lying is a serious mental illness. Trump insisting that the President wasn’t born in this country is an example of pathology. He denies reality. Jelly Belly cannot stop lying. He insists on lying. 

That’s nutty. You don’t give a pathological crackpot the nuclear codes. He’s not living in the real world. He might nuke Syria and then lie about it. 

Paul Ryan knows that Jelly Belly is cracked, but today Ryan endorsed him for President and World Leader and trigger man for our huge nuclear arsenal. Ryan did this because his commitment to the flailing Republican Party and to his own career is greater than his commitment to America or, to be blunt, to sanity. Paul Ryan and friends rank somewhere below despicable. Their party now represents chaos. America needs a new party that has principles, even bad principles. 

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