Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jim Wood and Deb Fudge

Jim Wood, sometimes mayor of Healdsburg, is a progressive Democrat running for the state assembly. If elected he will be the only scientist in the assembly. I assume that Jim is ahead in the race (based on no information) because he's campaigning hard, likable, trustworthy, etc. Recently he did something that strengthened my support. Despite the fact that he faces a movement from the left to ban fluoridated water, Jim endorsed fluoridation on the grounds that it has been proved to be the most helpful thing we can do for the teeth of children living in poverty. (If you have trouble believing that, check with the World Health Organization.)

Deb Fudge, five times mayor of Windsor, is running for county supervisor. Deb has been endorsed by just about every woman of note in the district (Lynn Woolsey, Noreen Evans, Susan Gorin, Shirlee Zane, Carol Russell and others). She has the backing of the Sonoma County Latino Democrats, the Democratic County Central Committee and the State Democratic Party. Her opponent, a Washington lobbyist, has the backing of some of our local wine barons. They bring a ton of cash.  He's making a good try at buying the election. (The last I heard, he was still considering what his position might be on fluoridation--he's that kind of guy.) 

At stake is whether the Board of Supervisors will have a majority of progressive Democrats or a majority of Democrats who believe that corporations are people, my friend. 

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