Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adam and Steve

Last night my wife, laid up with a sprained ankle, began, for no reason, to argue that God is gay. "When He had a child, He made a male, didn't he? God has no interest in the ladies. He doesn't have daughters. Name one." I pointed out that this could have been chance. God's heir would have to be male or female or something else. Jesus just happened to be male.

"The first human God made was male," my wife said, "and so was the second, unless you count Lilith.  You remember Lilith, Adam's first wife? Genesis 1:27 tells us: 'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.' God forms Lilith out of the same clay he used to make Adam, so Lilith claims that she and Adam are equal and she refuses to submit to him.  God dumps her immediately and makes Eve out of Adam's male rib. The same DNA as Adam. We're talking about a clone, another male." My wife thought she'd demonstrated that Eve was male, but I don't know. The chain of events strikes me as unprecedented. Who knows what it really means?

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