Friday, June 28, 2013

Trayvon's Hands

A hard-drinking roommate I once had challenged me to a fight. My response was that I did not want to fight because it would mess up my hands. Here's the thing. Boxers wear gloves so they can hit people in the head. If you do that with your bare hand, even a jab, your knuckles will get damaged, infected, whatever. My comment annoyed the roommate, who took about 30 swings at me, all of which I blocked, and I jabbed him lightly, mostly slaps, until he decided the fight was over. My knuckles ended up infected (nothing serious).

If Trayvon Martin really gave Zimmerman two black eyes, a swollen nose, etc., Trayvon's hands would be damaged and bloody. Instead they were found to be clean and totally undamaged, or so I heard on the radio. Pounding someone's hard head with bare but undamaged hands is just about impossible.

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