Friday, June 7, 2013

The Gay Agenda

Our local paper, unlike reputable newspapers, runs hate mail in its letters-to-the-editor section. I frequently see letters denouncing Blacks or Latinos or Jews or women or gay people. I don't believe that the doofus in charge is racist, but he or she likes to stir up controversy.  Many attacks on the gay agenda get printed. In today's paper a elderly man named Steve Carroll replied, "I feel cheated that after all these years, I still have not been issued my copy of the gay agenda." The problem is that the gay agenda must be readily available--many heterosexuals  apparently own copies and have   read them closely--but Steve Carroll, a gay man, has been left out, and without the agenda, he does not know what to do next. He noted that if someone would send him a copy, he would be willing to share it with his gay friends.

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