Monday, June 3, 2013

MSNBC Falters

Apparently viewing has dropped off at MSNBC. The question is why? The answer is up for grabs. My opinion, based on next to nothing, is that many progressive viewers do not care to watch repetitive programs focused on inside-the-beltway blather. For example, I have now seen the postal workers scandalous dancing about fifty times. I don't care about it. I didn't care about it the first time I saw it. It's a teabagger issue. What MSNBC is doing is letting people like Rep. Issa determine its topics. Then they have beltway analysts repeating each other's group-hug beltway ideas, which are often out of touch with the realities of Maine, Kansas, Georgia and Oregon. I'll put it this way. If I want to watch the Koch brothers' stooges rage on about nada, I can turn on False News. Or I can turn off the TV, which is what progressives may be doing.

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