Monday, January 21, 2013

These Are The Good Old Days

These are the good old days for those on the Left, and I hope you are enjoying them. The New Deal ended with the election of Richard Nixon, and then Ronald Reagan (pronounced REEgan at the time) came along and shifted us into a long ugly era of greed, racism, voter fraud, corruption, hate politics, union-busting, pointless war, etc. Reagan turned us into a right-wing country. The Clintons swam with the tide and survived. President Obama has finally reversed the Reagan movement and built for us a powerful new coalition of women, Latinos, Black voters, union families, Asians, gays, intellectuals, and people like me. I love it. Yes, I understand that Obama did not turn out to be the Magic Christian who would solve all of our problems by pointing with one finger. He's just a dude who makes mistakes. But the political future is looking better. Reagan might as well be dead. We are living in history. These will become the good old days.  You will be glad you were present, just as I am glad I was there when Hitler bumped himself off and Truman beat Dewey and a Catholic was elected President and people of color became voting citizens.  I'm sorry that some on the Left remain bitterly unhappy, but what the hell--that's their natural condition.

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