Friday, January 11, 2013

An awesome level of discussion

On the beach at Avenue C in Redondo, I overheard three young men discussing gun control. One was an NRA member; another was a liberal; and the third was a dude holding a volleyball.

Dude: Why aren't these mass killers using hand grenades? That's lots faster.

Liberal: Hand grenades have been banned.  You can't buy them. 

NRA: What? When? Look, guys, you can't ban guns and live free. The second amendment was written by our representatives to guarantee that each of us has the right to shoot our representatives.

Liberal: Wrong. The second amendment is about militias. It guarantees the militia's right to keep and bear arms.

Dude: They amended the Constitution to grant the army the right to bear arms? Awesome, man. A stroke of genius. 


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