Thursday, October 18, 2012

Why Obama Disappointed Scott the Voter

"I, Scott, was one of about 70 million people who voted for President Obama, and I have been disappointed. When I cast a ballot for Obama, I thought he had agreed to make the same decisions I would make. That is why I supported him.  I know what is right, and he should do what is right and not what is wrong. Of course, a few times he made the right decision, but often he made decisions other people wanted, including people who had voted for John McCain or people who disagreed with me, people who were wrong. Or he would make a decision that was part right and part what a different voter wanted. I am forced to ask, What sort of man acts like that, compromising my views with other views? Let's be honest. That is weak. The President was supposed to be my representative, and I can't tell you how many times he fell short. He should do what I want, the right thing. That's how democracy works."

1 comment:

asixtiesgirl said...


I feel yr. pain. He disappointed me too. So what, you throw him under the Romney bus? The problem is buddy, binders full of women and everyone else gets squished under the wheels. We'll all be dog meat, if the Mittster gets in. So buck up and vote. Then fire off angry letters and see if we can get some more done. But let's not go back to the dark ages because of our disappointment.