Saturday, October 13, 2012

Amazing Stakes

When Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon accepted the New Deal reforms and moved on, most of us believed that those gains had become permanent. They remained permanent until President Reagan began the process of undoing the New Deal. He got a few steps down that road. President G. W. Bush took some bigger steps. What we are faced with today is Mittly Romney and the Tea Party, who intend to repeal the social gains made in the 20th century. All of them.

Today the Republicans are hard at work restricting the right to vote, denying voting to the poor, to Latinos, to Black people. They are intent on reducing women's right to make their own health decisions (resuming the patriarchy's control of women's bodies). If the Republicans win, the graduated income tax will likely fall. Medicare and Social Security, of course, are under attack. There is talk among Republicans about reverting to having senators elected by state legislatures, although that seems far fetched. But 30 years ago an attack on Social Security seemed unlikely. 

What can you do? Send a small contribution to President Obama's campaign or to your local congress member.


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