Friday, August 30, 2019

What Republicans Do

It used to be a cinch to predict what the Republicans would do. They were the party of Mammon. Their mission was to make the rich even richer. To accomplish that mission, they ran for office on racist dog-whistles, primitive Christianity, the subjugation of women and related issues that appealed to the clucks, sadists and morons who crowd the bottom of our voting pool.

There's a price to be paid for that strategy, and the party has slowly degenerated, electing Presidents who were paranoid, senile, dumb and now criminally insane. 

Like others with his personality disorder, tRump tends to focus on certain targets (Obama, Hillary, McCabe), but even when corporations ask him to stop supporting climate change, tRump presses froward. Why would anyone support global warming?  Unless he wants to take us with him when he dies. 

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