Tuesday, August 27, 2019


From the start I have believed that the Democratic voters will not nominate Joe Biden. He's a weaker candidate than Gore, Kerry or Hillary Clinton.  Like them he is a DNC-backed insider centrist, which doesn't make him a bad person but does make him a loser. 

The Democrats win when they nominate someone a little outside of the DNC center, someone who brings something extra like Barack Obama. They need a candidate who will fire up the reluctant voters who are tired of Washington and Wall Street.

The DNC's main interest in all this is in retaining power at the DNC.  They will back a weak candidate if it means they retain control of the Democratic Party and its budget and jobs. 

I intend to vote for Bernie, but everyone's second choice seems to be Warren. That puts her in an interesting position. She's my second choice, too.

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